Rozokoki Alexandra

Alexandra Rozokoki

Biographical note

Alexandra Rozokoki was born in Athens. She studied Classical Philology at the University of Athens. In 1994 she received her doctorate from the University of Heidelberg with the title: “Eratosthenes’ Erigone. A critical edition and commentary on the surviving fragments.” 

She has received the following scholarships: i. S. Saripolos Bequest, University of Athens (1989-1991); ii. DAAD (1991-1994); iii. State Scholarships Foundation scholarship for postdoctoral research (1999-2000); iv. Fulbright (2011-2012), v. DAAD (Oct.-Dec. 2021): Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists. She has also participated in the Bilateral Educational Exchange Program between Greece and Germany, at Tübingen University in 2009. 

In 1996-2002 she worked as a teacher in the secondary education system. During 1999-2000 she was seconded to the National Library of Greece. Since 2002 she has worked as a Researcher at the Centre for Greek and Latin Literature of the Academy of Athens. In 2013-2015 she was Acting Director of the above Centre.

From 2005-2013 she worked as Lecturer at the Hellenic Open University.

Her research interests focus on ancient Greek poetry (epic, lyric, drama and Hellenistic poetry).




  1. Die Erigone des Eratosthenes. Eine kommentierte Ausgabe der Fragmente, Heidelberg: C. Winter-Verlag 1995
  2. Plato’s Ion: Introduction, translation and comments, Athens 2002 (in Greek)
  3. AnacreonIntroduction, ancient text, translation and comments, Athens: Academy of Athens 2006 (in Greek)
  4. Helen of Sparta: the significance of her origins and exploration of her nature, Athens 2010 (in Greek)
  5. Euripides' Syleus, satyric. A reconstruction (for theatrical performance), Athens 2019 (in Greek)
  6. The negative presentation of the Greeks in Lycophron's Alexandra and the dating of the poem, Athens 2019
  7. Seneca Agamemnon. Introduction, Translation, and Commentary, Athens 2024 (in Greek)



  1. „The hospitality scenes in the Odyssey as a model for Hellenistic and Latin poets“, Proceedings of the 7th Conference on the Odyssey (3-8 September 1993), 219-227 (in Greek with a german summary)
  2. „Das Mutterbild in der Ilias: Thetis und Hekabe“, Platon 51 (1999-2000), 176-185
  3. „Der Traum Penelopes im 19. Gesang der Odyssee“, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Classical Studies (FIEC), Kavala 24-30 August 1999, vol. 1, pp. 757-765
  4. „Penelope’s Dream in Book 19 of the Odyssey, Classical Quarterly, 51 (2001), 1-6
  5. „Prophecies in the Iliad“, Proceedings of the Conference on the Odyssey (2-7 September 2000), 233-246
  6. „Observations on some fragments of Anacreon“, QUCC 80 (2005), 41-45
  7. „An unknown publication of Anacreon’s Odes“, Hellenica 56 (2006), 163-167 (in Greek)
  8. „The Chest of Cypselus. An Interpretation of the First Zone (Pausanias 5.17.7-11)“, Pharos XIV (2006), 101-114
  9. „Stesichorus, Geryoneis S 11 SLG: the Dilemma of Geryon“, Wiener Studien 121 (2008), 67-69
  10. „Some new thoughts on Stesichorus’ Geryoneis“, ZPE 168 (2009), 3-18
  11. „The Evidence in Plato’s Phaedrus for the Stesichorean Palinode“, Δωδώνη 38-39 (2009-2010), 425-432
  12. „The significance of the ancestry and eastern origins of Helen of Sparta“, QUCC 98 (2011), 35-69
  13. „Stesichorus’ Helen fr. 187 PMG: a new interpretation“, RFIC 141 (2013), 257-269
  14. „Political Echoes in Euripides’ Heracles“, Trends in Classics 5 (2013), 260-288
  15. „Plato and Homer. The Philosopher’s Opinion of the great Poet“, Φιλοσοφία 43 (2013), 427-431
  16. „Eratosthenes’ Erigone fr. 4 Rosokoki (= 22 Powell)“, Mnemosyne 70 (2017), 939-957
  17. The Helen logos in Herodotus: A philological approach, QUCC 129.3 (2021), 21-52
  18. Τ’ αρχαιοελληνικά ονόματα στον Νικήρατο της Ευανθίας ΚαΐρηΝέα Εστία 186 (2021), 838-845
  19. „The Tree Similes in the Iliad for Warriors who fall Dead or badly Wounded“, in: Τιμητικός τόμος για τον Ακαδημαϊκό Ν. Χ. Κονομή, Athens: Academy of Athens 2023, 61-78



  1. „Peter Grossardt, Stesichoros zwischen kultischer Praxis, mythischer Tradition und eigenem Kunstanspruch. Zur Behandlung des Helenamythos im Werk des Dichters aus Himera (mit einem Anhang zum Motivkomplex von Blendung und Heilung in der internationalen Erzähltradition). Leipziger Studien zur klassischen Philologie 9, Tübingen 2012“, ExClass 18 (2014), 201-208
  2. „Γιώργος Αράγης:Μικρά Δοκίμια“, Διάστιχο ,12 .10.2022 (; also Φιλολογική 158-159 (2022), 84-86
  3. „Michael von Albrecht, Ad scriptores Latinos. Epistulae et colloquia / Cari classici. Letttere e dialoghi, Traduzione poetica e prefazione di Aldo Setaioli, Calligraphia 24 (nuova serie), Perugia: edizioni 2022, ISBN 978-88-9372-157-8, σσ. 186“, Αριάδνη / Ariadne 28 (2021-2022), 219-222
  4. Konstantinos Kavafis: Non sono morti gli dèi. Kavafis e l’eredità dell’Ellenismo. Antologia poetica con testo greco a fronte. Traduzione, introduzine e note di Aldo Setaioli, Calligraphia [poesia] 27, Edizioni, Perugia 2023, pp. 224, ISBN: 9788893721912, see

Information and contact

Dr. Alexandra Rozokoki

Grade A´ Researcher

Academy of Athens 
Research Centre for Greek and Latin Literature

Anagnostopoulou 14, 10673 Athens

Tel.: +30 210 3664631

Fax: +30 210 3664630