The Centre was founded in 1978 (law 801) by Prof. Grigorios Kassimatis, with the purpose of
i) conducting systematic and in depth research into Greek society as it has evolved throughout the centuries; ii) promoting social research as a whole for the development of the social sciences; iii) developing cooperation with foreign Academies of Sciences and related institutions on subjects relevant to the social sciences and on publications of international importance.
The objectives of the Center are realized through:
i) research projects which are conducted by the researchers of the Center, in various domains and subjects relevant to Greek society as well as through the publications of the results of these research projects; ii) the publication of essays on Greek society which are written by the scientific staff of the Center; iii) the collection of bibliography and the creation of archives in which facts, accounts and information on specific topics of Greek society are gathered.
The Centre's Library comprises approximately 5.500 Volumes.
Contact Details
Address : 14 Anagnostopoulou str., 10673 Athens
Tel: +30 210 3664658
Fax: +30 210 3664658
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