Kontogiannopoulou Anastasia

Anastasia Kontogiannopoulou

Biographical note


A historian of Middle and Late Byzantine Period (7th-15th c.), Dr. Anastasia Kontogiannopoulou has written extensively about the economic and administrative organization of Byzantium during the Palaiologan Era (1261-1453) and various aspects of the economic, ecclesiastical and social life especially during the middle and late Byzantine period (7th-15th c.). She is the author of two books, and the editor of another one. She is published over twenty essays on various topics.

She received her B.A in History (1995) and PhD in Byzantine History (2003) from the Department of History and Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece). She was Fellow of the Greek State Scholarships Foundation for Ph.D. (2000-2003) and post-doctoral research (2004-2005).

She has worked in many research centers in Greece as Associate Researcher of Byzantine History and she has taught Byzantine History at the Hellenic Open University. She also has participated in Seminars of Byzantine History in Greece and France, as well as in many national and international Scientific Congresses. She has been appointed at the Research Centre for Medieval and Modern Hellenism of the Academy of Athens (Greece) since 2008.

She is working concurrently on two projects. The first explores institutional and social aspects of late byzantine cities. The second explores gender roles and identities in Byzantium during the Palaiologan era (1261-1453).



Information and contact

Research Centre for Medieval and Modern Hellenism

14, Anagnostopoulou str. 10673 Athens

Tel.: +30 210 3664 646
Fax: +30 210 3664 628

e-mail: akontogian@academyofathens.gr
