Katsouda Georgia

Georgia Katsouda
Grade A Researcher

Biographical note


Dialectology, Etymology, Dialectal lexicography, Morphology, Morphological change          



2002: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Philology. PHD. Dissertation title: Verbal Metaplasms: reconstruction of the present and aorist tense stems (supervisor: prof. Georgios Babiniotis).

1989-1993: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Philology, Department of Linguistics. Degree in Greek Philology (Grade: Excellent 8.65/10).



1989-1993: Scholarship from Stais Foundation (Kythera).

1994-1998: Scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation for post-graduate studies in Historical Linguistics (first place in written examination in 1994).



2019-: Research Centre for Modern Greek Dialects of the Academy of Athens: Grade A Researcher.

2013-2018: Research Centre for Modern Greek Dialects of the Academy of Athens: Grade B Researcher.

2009-2013: Research Centre for Modern Greek Dialects of the Academy of Athens: Grade C Researcher.

2006-2007: Centre for the Scientific Terms and Neologisms: Research associate (seconded from Secondary Education).

2002-2003: Centre of Lexicology: Research Associate for the dictionary Babiniotis, G. 2004. Dictionary for the school and the office. Athens: Centre of Lexicology [in Greek].



2023-: "Modern approaches in teaching Greek language at school-academic discourse" (course of the Master Studies Program ‘Social Sciences and Humanity Studies’ of the Pedagogical  Department of Primary Education - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens).

2020-: Linguistics and analysis in Greek: phonetics, phonology and morphology. Course of the Master Studies Program “Social Sciences and Humanity Studies”. Pedagogical Department of Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

2018-: Advisor Professor of the course Dialects and language education (ADE62). Master Studies Program “Modern trends in Linguistics for teachers”. Hellenic Open University.

2018:  Advisor Professor of the course Modern Greek descriptive grammar for teachers (ADE60). Master Studies Program “Modern trends in Linguistics in teachers”. Hellenic Open University.

2015-2019: Applied Morphology and Language Didactics and Morphology: Applications and Education. 1st and 2nd semester course of the Master Studies Program of the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

2011-2012: Psycholinguistics and learning Greek as a second or foreign language. 1st and 2nd semester course of post-graduate studies program. Marasleion Didaskaleion, Pedagogical Department of Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

2004: Language Teaching course (Modern Greek). Course of the rhetoric lab of Panteion University, Department of Communication, Media & Culture (in cooperation with prof. Maria Kakavoulia).

1996-2004: Improving the native language. Course of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year of the Department of Bilingual or Trilingual Translation of the French Institute of Athens (IFA) (in collaboration with the University of Strasbourg).

1998-2001: Improving the native language. Course of the 2nd year of the Department of Translation of the Goethe Institute (in collaboration with the University of Strasbourg).



2014: Personal in situ fieldwork in Kythera (June 2011-December 2013). ILNE archive manuscript n. 1515 with authentic dialectal speech from Kythera.

2012: In situ fieldwork in Skyros (September 2011), mandated by the Academy of Athens. ILNE archive manuscript n. 1487 with authentic dialectal speech from Skyros.



I. Books

2024: Manolessou, Ι., Katsouda, G., Tsolakidis, S., Papanagiotou, Chr. & G. Chairetakis. Historical Dictionary of the Cappadocian Dialects, volume A (a-kaváði). Academy of Athens-Research Centre for Modern Greek Dialects-I.L.N.E.

2021: Katsouda, G. Stsyriana. Synchronic description and analysis of the dialect of Skyros [in Greek]. Thessaloniki: Κ. & Μ. Stamouli Publications.

           Presented by Joseph, Br. 2022. Brief notices. Journal of Greek Linguistics 22 (2022), 146.

2020: Katsouda, G. The dialect of Kythera. Description and analysis (Prologue prof. Aggeliki Ralli). Society of Kytherian Studies 32. Athens.

          Reviewed by Joseph, Br. 2020. Journal of Greek Linguistics 20 (2020), 239-240.

2018: Katsouda, G. Modern practical exercise book [in Greek]. Athens: Angyra. (14th edition with additions).

2016: Katsouda, G. The dialect of Kythera. Description and analysis [in Greek] (Prologue prof. Aggeliki Ralli). Society of Kytherian Studies 26. Athens.

2016: Kamilaki, M., Katsouda, G. & M. Vrachionidou. “Pepper in your mouth”: Aspects of the taboo vocabulary [in Greek]. Preface Ath. Nakas. Second edition. Athens: Kalligrafos. (1st edition 2015).

           Reviewed by: Kouzeli, Lambrini, in newspaper To Vima (Books) 17.04.2016 [in Greek], Gionis, Dimitris, in newspaper Efimerida ton Syntakton, 20.02.2016. [in Greek], Iordanidou, Α., Archakis, A. & G. Xydopoulos (2017). In Synchrona Themata 138-139 (July-December 2017), 119-121 [in Greek]).

2013: Katsouda, G. & Th. Nakas. Aspects of Neology: Blending and Etymological Reanalysis (Full and partial blends in journalism, advertisement, blogs and children’s literature) [in Greek]. Preface A. Christofidou. Athens: Patakis.

           Reviewed by prof. Angeliki Ralli (2014). Philologiki 128 (July-August-September 2014), 80-82. [in Greek].

2011: Katsouda, G. Practicing and learning syntactic analysis (from the theory of the modern Greek syntax in practice) [in Greek]. Athens: Angyra.

2009: Katsouda, G. Modern practical exercise book [in Greek]. Athens: Angyra (approved book by the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture).

2008: Katsouda, G. Modern practical concise syntax manual [in Greek]. Athens: Angyra (5 editions) (approved book by the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture).

2007: Katsouda, G. Modern practical concise grammar manual [in Greek]. Athens: Angyra (11 editions) (approved book by the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture).

2007: Katsouda, G. Verbal Metaplasms (reconstruction of the present and aorist tense stems) (Dissertation) [in Greek]. Athens: Sofia Saripolou Library. Faculty of Philology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.


II. Collective volumes

2021: Historical Dictionary of Modern Greek. Vol. 7Α (διάλεξη- δόγης) [in Greek]. Athens: Academy of Athens. Compilation of 924 entries & editorial assistance.

2016: Historical Dictionary of Modern Greek. Vol 6 (δέ-διάλεκτος) [in Greek]. Athens: Academy of Athens. Compilation of 731 entries & editorial assistance.

2009: Christofidou A. (ed.). Bulletin for Scientific Terms and Neologisms 9-10 [in Greek]. Research Centre for Scientific Terms and Neologisms. Academy of Athens. Collection of neologism and translation proposals for loanwords.

2004: Babiniotis, George. Dictionary for the school and the office [in Greek]. Athens: Centre of Lexicology. Compilation of entries.

1999: Eksisou, E. & A. Tselikas (eds.). The New Testament translated in simple language by Maximos of Gallipoli, Appendix, Collection of metaphrasms (translated texts) [in Greek]. Athens: National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation. Collection of metaphrasms.


III. Articles

forthcoming: Katsouda, G. The Modern Greek dialect lexicography: past and present. Studies in Greek Linguistics 44.

forthcoming: Katsouda, G., E. Magoula, St. Dermendzi, ‘Errors in language in learning procees: research findings on the attitudes of teachers and students of Primary Education’. In Proceedings of the 10th International Summer University, Boston (28 May- 2 June 2024). 

forthcoming: Katsouda, G. & S. Tsolakidis. “The new Historical Dictionary of the Cappadocian Dialects of the Academy of Athens”    In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of Greek Linguistics (Thessaloniki, 14-17 December 2023).

forthcoming: Kallergi, H., G. Katsouda, M. Konstadinidou & A. Tsangalidis. Single-word reduplicative compounds: a case of expressive morphology in Modern Greek. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of Greek Linguistics (Thessaloniki, 14-17 December 2023).

forthcoming: Katsouda, G., M. Konstadinidou, H. Kallergi & A. Tsangalidis. Expressive compounds in Modern Greek: The case of the word ‘malakas’ as first compound. In Proceedings of the 44th International Congress of Functional Linguistics (Kalamata, 17-20 October 2023).

forthcoming: Katsouda, G., The dialect of Kythera and the its language relationship with the Heptanesian dialects. In Proceedings of the International Conference Italoellenica 2023 "Dialetti e lingue ‘altre’ in Grecia e in Italia", (Athens, 19-20 October 2023).

forthcoming: Katsouda, G. Modern Greek Insults. In Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics. Brill.

forthcoming: Katsouda, G. & I. Manolessou. Aspects of the Turkish borrowing in Greek and the Greek dialects. In Proceeding of the Third International Conference on Greek Etymology: Greek and Balkan etymology, 4-5 November 2022, Tellogleion Fine Arts Foundation, Thessaloniki.

forthcoming: Karantzola, E. & G. Katsouda. Contribution in the early modern Greek etymology: difficult to be explained lexemes from texts of the 16th c. In Proceeding of the Third International Conference on Greek Etymology: Greek and Balkan etymology, 4-5 November 2022, Tellogleion Fine Arts Foundation,Thessaloniki.

forthcoming: Manolessou, I. & G. Katsouda. To be continued…: the new volume of the Historical Dictionary of Modern Greek. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Greek Language (Belgrade, 15- 18 September 2022).

forthcoming: Katsouda, G., Magoula, E. & M. Oikonomakou. Geographical varieties and innovative activities in education: the dialect of Kastellorizo. In Proceedings of the 8th International Summer University “Greek Language, Culture and Mass Media” (Kastellorizo, 10-15 July 2022).

forthcoming: Katsouda, G. Defective Verbs. In Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics. Brill.

forthcoming: Katsouda, G. Profane Language in Medieval Greek. In Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics. Brill.

forthcoming: Katsouda, G.  Profane Language in Modern Greek. In Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics. Brill.

forthcoming: Katsouda, G. Etymological Dictionaries. Medieval and Modern Greek. In Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics. Brill.

forthcoming: Katsouda, G. Solecisms. In Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics. Brill.

forthcoming: Kamilaki, M. & G. Katsouda. Aspects of the taboo words in the speech of the warriors of the Greek Revolution of 1821. In Proceedings of the Conference “Aspects of the Greek Revolution of 1821” (online conference, 15-17 October 2021). 

forthcoming: Manolessou, I. & G. Katsouda. On lemmas and dilemmas again: problems in historical dialectal lexicography. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology (Universidad de La Rioja, 15-18 June 2021).

forthcoming: Katsouda, G. & M. Konstantinidou. Etymology and language contact in lexicography: usual practices and problems. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Language Contact in the Balkans and Asia Minor. Tellogleion Fine Arts Foundation, 18-10 November 2019, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

forthcoming: Katsouda, G. The contribution of dialectology and dialectal lexicography in the Modern Greek etymology: etymological revision of Standard Modern Greek vocabulary [in Greek]. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Etymology of the Greek Language: Greek and Balkan Etymology. Tellogleion Fine Arts Foundation, 9-10 November 2018, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

forthcoming: Manolessou, I. & G. Katsouda. The etymology in the Historical Dictionary of Modern Greek [in Greek]. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Etymology of the Greek Language: Greek and Balkan Etymology. Tellogleion Fine Arts Foundation, 9-10 November 2018, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

forthcoming: Katsouda, G. Teaching geographical language variation using the Historical Dictionary of Modern Greek of the Academy of Athens [in Greek]. Studies dedicated to Aikaterini Polymerou-Kamilaki.

in press: Katsouda, G. Glossary: ​​Cheese-making terms and related vocabulary of Standard Modern Greek and the Modern Greek dialectal varieties [in Greek]. In G. N. Drinis, T. Masouras, P. Bebeli, I. Bizelis, A. Oikonomou (eds.), Cheesemaking and cheese. Nutritional Cultural Heritage of Greece Athens: Ministry of Culture, General Directorate of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage, Directorate of Modern Cultural Heritage, 329-369.

2024: Filos, P., & Katsouda, G. Insults. In G. K. Giannakis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online. Brill.

2024: Katsouda, G. Punctuation. In G. K. Giannakis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online. Brill.

2024: Janse, M., & Katsouda, G. Obscene Language. In G. K. Giannakis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online. Brill.

2024: Lundquist, J., & Katsouda, G. Rhotacism. In G. K. Giannakis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online. Brill.

2024: Giannakis, G. K., & Katsouda, G. Taboos. In G. K. Giannakis (ed.), Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online. Brill.

2024: Glossary. In Deniz Panagiotopoulou & Dora Papadatou, A story from Zante. Athens: Periplous Publications,  pp. 157-167 [in Greek].

2023:  Katsouda, G.: Rechecking the semanting criterion in the etymological research: revision of etymologies of Standard Modern Greek vocabulary. Lexicoprafikon Deltion 27-28: 93- 110.

2023:  Katsouda, G. Dialectal Lexicography: Greek bibliography (II). Lexicoprafikon Deltion 27-28: 355-379.

2023: Kallergi, H., Katsouda, G., Konstantinidou, M. & Tsangalidis, A. Expressivity in Modern Greek: some morphological mechanisms for the expression of emotions. In J. P. Williams (ed.), Expressivity in European Languages. Cambridge: CUP, 123-227.

2023: Magoula, E. and G. Katsouda. The morphology of Greek: basic concepts and paradigms [in Greek]. In St. Tsesmeli and G. Manolitsis (eds), Morphological processes in the written language of Greek, 45-63. Athens: Epikentro.

2022: Manolessou, I., Karasimos, A. & G. Katsouda. Retro-digitation in Greek Dialectology and Lexicography: challenges of mopho-phonetic representation of the Cappadocian Dialect. In Proceedings of MGDLT9 (4-6 June 2021), 322-336. Leonidio: Tsakonian Archives.

2022: Katsouda, G. Morphology and lexicographic economy: the case of the Historical Dictionary of the Academy of Athens [in Greek]. In M. Katsogiannou & A. Anastasiadi-Symeonidi (eds), Lexicography and Morphology: the role of morphology in the modern Greek dictionaries, 251-266. Athens: Patakis.

2022: Beis St. & G. Katsouda. Language policy for the orthographic systems of languages with oral tradition in Europe [in Greek]. In Proceedings of the Workshop “Writing systems of languages with oral tradition: the case of Aromanian language, Ioannina, 9 November 2019.

2021: Katsouda, G. & M. Konstantinidou. Modern Greek Etymology: new data and etymological revision of SMGr vocabulary [in Greek]. In Th. Markopoulos, Chr. Vlachos, Arg. Archakis, D. Papazachariou, A. Roussou, G. Xydopoulos (eds), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Greek Language, Patras, 5-8 September 2019, 603-613.

2021: Nakas, Th. & G. Katsouda. Etymological homophony and morphological syncretism [in Greek]. In Th. Markopoulos, Chr. Vlachos, Arg. Archakis, D. Papazachariou, A. Roussou, G. Xydopoulos (eds), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Greek Language, Patras, 5-8 September 2019, 875-885.

2021: Manolessou, I. & G. Katsouda. Drawing the line between synchrony and diachrony in historical and dialectal lexicography. In Z. Gavriilidou, L. Mitits, Sp. Kiosses (eds), Proceedings Book of Euralex XIX (Congress of the European Association for Lexicography), vol. 2, 83- 92. Democritus University of Thrace.

2021: Katsouda, G. The archaisms in the dialect of Kythera. In K. Aroni-Tsichli (ed.), Homo sum; Humani nil a me alienum puto. Studies dedicated to the Professor Nikos Petrocheilos [in Greek]. Society of Kytherian Studies 35, 336-349. Athens: Gutenberg.

2021:  Manolessou, I. & G. Katsouda. Τhe making of the Historical Dictionary of Modern Greek: Problems and solutions in the domain of historical and dialectal lexicography. In H. Van de Velde & Fr. Dolezal (eds.) 2021. Broadening Perspectives in the History of Dictionaries and Word Studies, 223-247. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

2019:  Katsouda, G. Description of the dialect of Scyros. Results of an in situ fieldwork [In Greek]. In Gr. Karla, I. Manolessou and N. Pantelidis (eds), Lexeis. Studies dedicated to Christina Bassea-Bezantakou, 213-230. Athens: Institute for the book-Kardamitsas.

2019: Katsouda, G. & M. Konstantinidou. Aspects of Italian/Venetian borrowing in Modern Greek [in Greek]. In Chr. Tzitzilis & G. Papanastasiou (eds), Language contact in the Balkans and Asia Minor, vol. 1,  233-247. Thessaloniki: Institute of Modern Greek Studies.

2019: Manolessou, I., Katsouda, G. & Chr. Bassea-Bezantakou. The label ‘learned’ in lexicography: the case of the Historical Dictionary of Modern Greek of the Academy of Athens [in Greek]. In A. Anastasiadi-Symenonidou & Α. Fliatouras (eds.), The learned register in Standard Modern Greek: theory, history, application, 199-216. Athens: Patakis.

2019: Katsouda, G. The modern dialect of Kythera: conclusions of an in situ fieldwork [in Greek]. In Language Variety. Studies dedicated to Angeliki Ralli, 223-244. Athens: Kapa Ekdotiki.

2019: Katsouda, G., Manolessou, I. & St. Beis. The suffix δια- in Modern Greek: synchrony and diachrony [in Greek]. In A. Ralli, P. Barka, B. Joseph, S. Bombolas (eds) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory (MGDLT8), (Gjirokastër, 4-6 October 2018), 79-92, University of Gjirokastër & University of Patras Laboratory of Modern Greek Dialects.

2019: Katsouda, G. The dialect of Scyros in archival sources (end of the 15th c.- middle of the 19th c.). Studies in Greek Linguistics 39: 571-586. [in Greek].

2018: Katsouda, G. & Th. Nakas. Blends’ sequel. In Κ. Ntinas (ed.), Figura in praesentia (Festschrift for professor Thanassis Nakas) [in Greek]. Glossofilologiki Vivliothiki 12, 167-196. Athens: Patakis.

2018: Katsouda, G. Of blends and other demons: etymological reexamination of problematic cases [in Greek]. In Κ. Ntinas (ed.), Figura in praesentia (Festschrift for professor Thanassis Nakas). Glossofilologiki Vivliothiki 12, 151-166. Athens: Patakis.

2017: Katsouda, G. Morphological problems of Modern Greek proper names [in Greek]. Onomata 21: 199-211.

2017: Katsouda, G. & Th. Nakas. Oral Corpora: The Archive of the Research Centre for Modern Greek dialects of the Academy of Athens [in Greek]. In A. Christofidou (ed.) Bulletin for Scientific Terms and Neologisms 14, 237-245. Research Center for Scientific Terms and Neologisms. Academy of Athens. 

2017: Katsouda, G. The necessity for primary etymological research: examples from the Greek taboo vocabulary [in Greek]. In Chr. Tzitzilis & G. Papanastassiou (eds), Greek Etymology. Greek Language. Synchrony and diachrony, 357-371. Thessaloniki: Institute of Modern Greek Studies.

2017: Kamilaki, M., Katsouda, G. & M. Vrachionidou. The conceptual metaphor in taboo words of Standard Modern Greek and Modern Greek dialects [in Greek]. In Th. Georgakopoulos, Th.-S. Pavlidou, M. Pechlivanos, A. Alexiadou, J. Androutsopoulos, A. Kalokairinos, S. Skopeteas & K. Stathi (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Greek Language, vol 1, 465-477. Berlin: Edition Romiosini/CeMoG.

2017: Katsouda, G. The suffix -ούνα in Standard Modern Greek and in the Modern Greek dialects [in Greek]. In Th. Georgakopoulos, Th.-S. Pavlidou, M. Pechlivanos, A. Alexiadou, J. Androutsopoulos, A. Kalokairinos, S. Skopeteas & K. Stathi (eds..), Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Greek Language, vol 1, 539-554. Berlin: Edition Romiosini/CeMoG.

2017: Katsouda, G. The dialect of Kythera in non-literary sources of the 16th – 19th century [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 37: 375-386. 

2017: Katsouda, G. Bidialectal education and teaching a foreign language: examples from the dialects of Lesbos [in Greek]. Mentoras 14: 111-124.

2016: Katsouda, G. The Greek suffix -ozos: a case study in loan suffixation. Journal of Greek Linguistics 16 (2016): 232-265.

2016: Katsouda, G. The new volume of the Historical Dictionary of Modern Greek of the Academy of Athens: synchronic perspectives [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 36: 151-160.

2015: Nakas, Th. & G. Katsouda. Repetitive figures in authentic vernacular oral texts [in Greek]. In Th.-S. Pavlidou (ed.). The Greek language in oral communication. Studies in oral speech 1., 200-214. Thessaloniki: Institute of Modern Greek Studies.

2015: Nakas, Th. & G. Katsouda. Issues of linguistic/language terminology [in Greek]. In Greek Language and Terminology (announcements of the 10th Congress, 12-14 November 2015), 49-62. Greek Society of Terminology.

2015: Vrachionidou, M. & G. Katsouda. The pejorative/insulting terms for the feminine “negative qualities” [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 35: 131-141.

2014: Katsouda, G. & M. Vrachionidou. Metronymic names in the dialectal material of the Research Centre for Modern Greek dialects of the Academy of Athens [in Greek]. In G. Kotzoglou et al. (eds.), Selected Papers of the 11th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, 727-737. Rhodes: University of the Aegean.

2014: Nakas, Th. & G. Katsouda. Lexical blending: A new typology. In G. Kotzoglou et al. (eds.), Selected Papers of the 11th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, 1165-1176. Rhodes: University of the Aegean.

2014: Katsouda, G. The formation of the plural εφαπτομένη, ηγουμένη, προϊσταμένη, συνισταμένη and υφισταμένη: theory and reality. In Actes du 30e Colloque international de linguistique fonctionnelle, Chypre 18-21 octobre 2006, 105-108, EME.

2014: Dressler, W. & G. Katsouda. Nominal System (Gender, Number, Case). In G.K. Giannakis (ed.) Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics, vol 2, pp. 500-509, Leiden: Brill.

2014: Dressler, W. & G. Katsouda. Prenominal System. In G.K. Giannakis (ed.) Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics, vol 3, pp. 150-158, Leiden: Brill.

2014: Katsouda, G. The verbs in –amai in Standard Modern Greek [in Greek]. In N. Lavidas, Th. Alexiou, A.M. Sougari (eds.) Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, vol. 1, 335-351. Versita.

2013: Katsouda, G. Loan suffixation in Modern Greek dialects: the suffix -όzos. In M. Janse, Br. D. Joseph, A. Ralli and M. Bağrıaçık (eds.) MGDLT5. Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Modern Greek Dialects & Linguistic Theory (Ghent, Belgium, 20-22 September 2012), 145- 161, Patras.

2013: Beis, St. & G. Katsouda. Intradialectal differentiation in the Thessalian dialects [in Greek]. In M. Janse, Br. D. Joseph, A. Ralli and M. Bağrıaçık (eds.) MGDLT5. Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Modern Greek Dialects & Linguistic Theory (Ghent, Belgium, 20-22 September 2012), 45-58, Patras.

2013: Katsouda, G. & G. Trapalis. The feminization of the nouns of property [in Greek]. In M. Tsigou et D. Costaouec (eds), Traduction-Changement en Syntaxe-La personne. Approches fonctionnalistes. Actes. 33e Colloque International de Linguistique Fonctionelle) (Corfou 11-16 Octobre 2010), 249- 251. Corfou: Société Internationale de Linguistique Fonctionnelle-Université Ionienne Département de Langues étrangéres, Traduction et Interprétation.

2013: Nakas, Th. & G. Katsouda. Lexical blends (full and partial): A typology [in Greek]. In A. Christofidou (ed.), Creation and Form in Language. Bulletin for Scientific Terms and Neologisms 12, 90-152. Research Center for Scientific Terms and Neologisms. Academy of Athens.

2013: Beis, St. & G. Katsouda. Intradialectal differentiation on the dialects of Thessaly [in Greek]. Thessalika Meletimata 3: 57-72.

2012: Katsouda, G. & G. Trapalis. Greek morphological problems in teaching Greek as a foreign language: the case of professional feminine nouns [in Greek]. Glossologia 20: 55-64.

2012: Katsouda, G. Dialectal Lexicography: Overview and Issues [in Greek]. Lexicografikon Deltion 26: 77-159.

2012: Katsouda, G. Bibliography of Modern Greek Dialectal Lexicography [in Greek]. Lexicoprafikon Deltion 26: 433-565.

2012: Katsouda, G. Etymology in dialectal dictionaries and glossaries: examples from the dialect of Kythera [in Greek]. In Z. Gavriilidou, A. Efthymiou, E. Thomadaki & P. Kambakis-Vougiouklis (eds.) Selected Papers of the 10th International Conference of Greek Linguistics, 853-860. Komotini, University of Komotini.

2012: Katsouda, G. The Modern Greek grammar books and language issues: practical problems and perspectives [in Greek]. In Proceedings “1976-2011: 35 years after the Language & Educational Reform” (4-6 November 2011, Dion Pierias).

2011: Katsouda, G. Blending in Standard Modern Greek and the dialects: theory and practice [in Greek]. Neoelliniki Dialectologia 6, 137-163.

2011: Magoula, Eugenia & Georgia Katsouda. Morphological awareness: the case of the verbs in -llo <-λλω> [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 31: 278-291.

2011: Moisiadis, Th. & G. Katsouda. The effect of folk etymology in the teaching of orthography [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 31: 351-356.

2010: Katsouda, G. & A. Kalogeropoulou. Neologisms in Modern English: blends/portmanteau & buzzwords and their didactic use [in Greek]. Aspects today 28 (year 5th): 36-40.

2010: Katsouda, G. Language Teaching in Education. The new school manuals: theory and practice–the case of the verb [in Greek]. Nea Paideia 135, 62-71.

2010: Moisiadis, Th. & G. Katsouda. Aspects of the mediopassive Imperfect tense [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 30: 422-435.

2010: Katsouda, G. & P. Kritikou. Visual blends: examples from the press [in Greek]. In A. Christofidou (ed.) Bulletin for Scientific Terms and Neologisms 9-10:  439-460. Research Center for Scientific Terms and Neologisms. Academy of Athens.

2009: Trapalis, G. & G. Katsouda. Comparative study of the system of lexicographic labels in Greek and foreign monolingual dictionaries [in Greek]. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (Ioannina, 29 August – 2 September 2007), 1168-1183.

2009: Katsouda, G. The terms contamination & blending in the Greek bibliography: problems and solutions [In Greek]. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (Ioannina, 29 August – 2 September 2007), 885-896.

2009: Katsouda, G. The formation of the plural of efaptoméni, iγuméni, proistaméni, sinistaméni, ifistaméni: conclusions and applications [in Greek]. In A. Tsangalidis (ed.) Selected Papers from the 18th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (Thessaloniki, 4-6 May 2007), 457-465.

2008: Katsouda, G. & G. Trapalis. Language errors from a pedagogical viewpoint: examples from Modern Greek [in Greek]. Nea Paideia 128: 48-59.

2008: Katsouda, G. Χαραυγή: is it a blend or not; Questioning of the etymology of the word [in Greek]. Hellenica 58: 109-115.

2007: Katsouda, G. Categorization of the nouns and verbs, products of metaplasm [in Greek]. Mentoras 10: 102-112.

2007: Katsouda, G. & M. Galani. Creativity in educational practice: the case of the Ancient Greek Language [in Greek]. Nea Paideia 122: 108-117.

2007: Katsouda, G. The consonantization of the ancient Greek vowel stems [in Greek]. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, (University of York (U.K.) 8-10 September 2005).

2005: Katsouda, G. The metaplasm of feminine nouns and the dynamic {a} [in Greek]. Mentoras 8: 18-26.

2005: Katsouda, G. Factors causing language change: theoretical approach and application in Greek [in Greek]. Glossa 60: 7-22.

2004: Katsouda, G. The dynamic of maximum contrast in the allomorphs of the verbal stem in Standard Modern Greek [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 24: 273-282.

2003: Katsouda, G. The verbal system in the grammar books of the 16th and 17th century [in Greek]. Mentoras 7: 19-33.

2003: Katsouda, G. The dis-redundancy and disambiguation in the reconstruction of the present tense stem: examples from the Modern Greek verb [in Greek]. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (Rethymno, September 2003).

2003: Katsouda, G. The explanation of the metaplasm of the verbs -pto in -vo [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Lingustics 23: 386-393.

2002: Katsouda, G. The change of the passive perfect participle ðeðoménos [in Greek]. Glossa 55: 76-82.

2002: Katsouda, G. The relation between the grammar books of Nikolaos Sofianos, Konstantinos Lascaris and Dionysios Thrax [in Greek]. Hellenica 52 (1): 129-137.

2002: Katsouda, G. Explanation of the morphological change of the imperative forms pes, ðes, vres [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 22: 322-329.

2002: Katsouda, G. The verbal system in the grammarians of the 16th and 17th century [in Greek]. Recherches en linguistique grecque: Procédés du 5ème Congrès international de linguistique grecque, Sorbonne, 13-15 Septembre 2001), t.1, 293-295, Paris: L’ Harmattan.

2001: Katsouda, G. Exceptions in the formation of the imperative [in Greek]. Mentoras 3: 62-69.

2001: Katsouda, G. The formation of the vocative singular forms of proper names in -os [in Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 21: 268-274.


IV. Editing

2023: Manolessou, I., Katsouda, G. & D. Mertyris (eds.). Lexicograficon Deltion 27-28. Academy of Athens.

2012: Bassea, Chr., Manolessou, Ι., Tzamali, Aik., Konstantinidou, M. & G. Katsοuda (eds.). Lexicografikon Deltion 26. Academy of Athens.

2011: Bassea, Chr., Manolessou, Ι., Afroudakis, Α., Katsouda, Gr. & St. Beis (eds.). Neoelliniki Dialektologia 6. Academy of Athens.


V. Reviews

2022: Katsouda, G. Book Review: Ralli, Αngela (ed.) The Morphology of Asia Minor Greek. Selected Topics. Leiden: Brill. 2019. In Bulletin of the Centre for Asia Minor Studies 20:  411-415. [in Greek].

2022-2023: Katsouda, G. Book Review [in Greek]: Liakopoulos, Georgios C. 2019. The Early Ottoman Peloponnese: A Study in the Light of an Annotated Editio Princeps of the TT10-1/14662 Ottoman Taxation Cadastre (ca. 1460-1463). London: Royal Asiatic Society. In Glottologia 30: 179-182.



June 2017: Katsouda, G. Workshop on the Modern Greek dialects in Education [in Greek], Marasleion Didaskaleion, 9 June 2017.

June 2016: Kamilaki, M. & G. Katsouda. The construction site of Glossopolis: designing language paths [in Greek]. In the Conference “Creative speech the Education”, Athens, 27-28 June, Department of Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

June 2016: Katsouda, G. & E. Magoula. Learned expressions in the creative speech and ... γαία πυρί μειχθήτω ‘let earth mix with fire’ [in Greek]. In the Conference “Creative speech in Education”, Athens, 27-28 June, Department of Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.



2023: Participation in “Innovative actions for the utilization and promotion of the Cultural and Scientific Stock of the Academy of Athens" in the frame of the Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (EPAnEK) for the digitalization of cultural and historical monuments.

2018-2022: Digitizing the Cappadocian Dialectal Landscape (Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI-ELIDEK).

2016-2018: Member of the Scientific Committee (with Dr. Maria Kamilaki and the museologist Popi Georgopoulou)  for the  organization of the Exhibition ‘Glossopolis: Touring in Modern Greek’, which has been co-organized by the Benakeios Library of the Hellenic Parliament and the Onassis Scholars’ Association, housed  in the building of the Hellenic Parliament in 218 Lenorman Str. (the ex Public Smoke Factory) from February 2016 till February 2018.



2022:  Participation in the 8th International Summer University “Greek Language, Culture and Mass Media”, Kastellorizo, 10-15 July 2022.

2018: 'To ddomadi greko’ (learning the dialect and the civilization of Calabria) (Condofouri Marina, Calabria, 30 August - 5 September 2018).



MA and PhD supervisor professor.

Member of MA and PhD advisory committees.

Member of the personnel of the “Georgios Babiniotis” Laboratory of Applied Linguistics and Didactics of Modern Greek, Department of Primary Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Official Government Gazette (FEK) 850/7-5-2009).

Member of Scientific Associations:

1. Association of the Scientific Personnel of the Academy of Athens.

2. Greek Society of Onomatology.

3. Society of Kytherian Studies.



  • English (Proficiency).
  • German (Kleines Sprachdiplom).
  • Italian (Superiore).
  • Spanish (4-year course at the Philological Society Parnassos).
  • Turkish (3-year course at the Greek Centre of Studies of Southern and Eastern Europe) (Ε.ΚΕ.Ν.Ε.).



  • Ottoman Paleography (3-year course at the Centre of the Greek Commission of Studies of Southern and Eastern Europe) (2016-2019).
  • Greek and Latin Paleography (3-year course at the National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation) (1994-1997).


Information and contact

Research Centre for Modern Greek Dialects


22, Alexandrou Soutsou str.,
106 71 Athens

Tel: +30 211 211 1018

E-mail: katsouda@academyofathens.gr