Name & Surname: Ilias ARNAOUTOGLOU
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1994-1995: Attending papyrology seminars at the University of Oxford by Dr. J. Rea.
1990-1993: a) PhD thesis at the University of Glasgow, Department of Classics with the title "Forms and legal dimensions of religious associations in ancient Athens", b) Attending seminars of Prof. D.M. MacDowell on Oratory, Athenian society and Aristophanes' Wealth, Knights, Birds and Lysistrata.
1989: Attending seminars on epigraphy and Greek paleography in the Faculty of Arts, Dept. of Classical Studies, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki.
1987-1990: Diploma (Diplτma) of Postgraduate studies (= MLitt) in the Dept. of History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Law, School of Law and Economics, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece; taught courses in History of ancient Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Post-byzantine Law, Philosophy and Methodology of Law and Sociology of Law (participation in a small scale empirical research) and dissertation with the title Divorce in Graeco-roman Egypt.
1982-1987: First Degree (Ptychio) (= LLB Private Law) in the School of Law and Economics, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
(with E. Papagianni, A. Dimopoulou, I. Chatzakis, A. Helmis, & A. Liarmakopoulos) Istoria Dikaiou, Athena 2016. (e-book available )
(with L.Paparriga-Artemiade & I. Chatzakis) Perigramma historias tou metabyzantinou dikaiou. I. Ta hellenika engrapha, Athena 2011. (Pragmateiai tes Akademias Athenon 63)
(with M. Sundahl & D. Mirhady) A new working bibliography of ancient Greek law (7th – 4th centuries BC), Athens 2011. (EHHD Suppl. 11) [Reviews: BMCR 2012 (J. Fletcher); CR 62 (2012) 204-5 (A. Lanni); DHA 37/2 (2011) 243 (P. Doukellis); HZ 296/2 (2013) (W. Schmits); JHS 132 (2012) 202-3 (A. Serafim); REG 125 (2012) 306].
Karabelas, D. (ed) Πηγές ιστορίας του δικαίου, Athens 2008 (contribution)
(with Th. Robou-Samara, D. Karabelas, I. Telelis) Archaia Historia. Apo tous protous anthropous hos ten hidruse tes Konstantinoupoles (330 m. Chr.), «Kephalaio 6: Ho hellenistikos kosmos 323-146 p. Chr. – He epektasse “pros Anatolas””, pp. 187-207, Athens 2004.
Thusias heneka kai sunousias. Private religious associations in Hellenistic Athens, Athens 2003.
Ancient Greek Laws. A sourcebook, 1998, London: Routledge. (available as e-book in Translated into Portuguese as Leis da Grιcia antiga, Sao Paulo 2003.
Articles (most of them available in
In Volumes
“Rewards to informers. Response to Lene Rubinstein” in Leγo, D. F. & G. Thόr (eds) Symposion 2015. Vortrδge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Coimbra, 1.-4. September 2015), 451-60, Wien 2016.
“Hierapolis and its professional associations: A comparative analysis” in Wilson, Andrew & Miko Flohr (eds) Urban craftsmen and traders in the Roman world, 278-300, Oxford 2016. (Oxford Studies on the Roman economy)
«Cult associations and politics. Worshipping Bendis in classical and Hellenistic Athens» in Gabrielsen, V. & Chr. A. Thomsen (eds) Private associations and the public sphere (Proceedings of a symposium held at the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 9-11 September 2010), 25-56, Copenhagen 2015.
“Themeliode dikaiomata sten klasike Athena?” in Gortyna. Dikaioma mou, 2.500 chronia (Praktika synedriou), 39-61, Athena 2015.
“Opseis tou demosiou kai tou idiotikou stis metarrhythmiseis tou Demetriou tou Phalereos (317-307 p. Chr.)» in Athanassaki, Loukia, Nikolaides, T. & D. Spatharas (eds) Idiotikos bios kai demosios logos sten ellenike archaioteta kais ton diaphotismo. Meletes aphieromenes sten Ioanna Yatromanolaki, 321-39, Herakleio 2014.
«Apo ton Solona sten romaike Epheso. He nomike prostasia tes hydrodoteses» in V. Leontaritou, K. Bourdara & El. Papagianni (eds) Antecessor. Festschrift fόr Sp. N. Troianos zum 80. Geburtstag, 105-32, Athens 2013.
“Cultural transfer and law in hellenistic Lycia: the case of Symmasis foundation” in Legras, B. (ed) (2012) Transferts culturels et droits dans le monde grec et hellιnistique, 205-26, Paris.
“‘Ils ιtaient dans la ville, mais tout ΰ fait en dehors de la citι’. Status and identity in private religious associations in Hellenistic Athens” in van Nijf, O. M. & R. Alston (eds) Political culture in the Greek city after the classical age, 27-48, Leuven 2011.
««Σιδηροκέφαλα. ἤτοι ἀθάνατα καὶ ἀδιάφθορα». Oikonomike kai nomike sunecheia stis sunbaseis ktenolepsias» in Πνεύματος δώρημα Γεωργίῳ Π. Νάκῳ, 103-18, Thessalonike 2010.
«Onomastics and law. Dike and –dike names» in Catling, R.W.V. & F. Marchand (eds) Onomatologos. Studies in Greek personal names presented to Elaine Matthews, 582-600, Oxford 2010.
“Onomastique grecque et droit” in Tzitzis, St., Protopappas-Marneli, M. & B. Melkevik (eds) Mythe et justice dans la pensιe grecque, 7-21, Montreal 2009.
«διὰ δόξαν ἐκείνων καὶ κλέος του ἔθνους. The Philomousos Society of Athens and antiquities» in Forsen, B. & G. Salmieri (eds) The province strikes back. Imperial dynamics in the eastern Mediterranean, 201-14, Helsinki 2008. (Papers and monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens 13)
“The fear of slaves in ancient Greek legal texts” in Serghidou, A. (ed) Fear of slaves – fear of enslavement in the ancient Mediterranean. Peur de l’esclave – peur de l’esclavage en Mιditerranιe ancienne (Discours, reprιsentations, pratiques) (Actes du XXIXe colloque du GIREA – Rethymnon 4-7 novembre 2004), 133-44, Besanηon 2006.
“Group and individuals in IRhamnous 59 (SEG 49.161)” in Couvenhes, J. Chr. & S. Milanezi (eds) Individus, groupes et politique ΰ Athθnes de Solon ΰ Mithridate (Actes du colloque international Tours 7 et 8 mars 2005), 315-38, Bordeaux 2006. (Collection «Perspectives Historiques» 15)
“Aspects of oral law in archaic Greece” in Cairns, D. L. & R. A. Knox (eds) Law, rhetoric, and comedy in classical Athens. Essays in honour of Douglas M. MacDowell, 1-13, Swansea 2004.
“Between koinon and idion: Legal and social dimensions of religious associations in ancient Athens” in P. Cartledge, P. Millett and S. von Reden (1998) (eds) Kosmos. Essays in Order, Conflict and Community in Classical Athens, 68-83, Cambridge.
“Miasma kai anthropoktonia sten klassike Athena” in Papers of the 13th conference of the Hellenic Historical Society, 13-18, Thessaloniki 1993.
“O thesmos tes proikises tou arrenos teknou stis Kuklades (16os-19os aionas). Mia prote prosengise” in Papers of the 13th conference of the Hellenic Historical Society, 247-61, Thessaloniki 1993.
In Journals
“Uses of legal rules in the forensic speeches of classical Athens” EHHD 47 (2017) 9-41. (in Greek)
“The Greek text of D. 47.22.4 (Gai 4 ad legem duodecim tabularum) reconsidered” Legal Roots 5 (2016) 87-120.
“Thorybos and eustatheia in the normative framework of Athenian cult associations” EHHD 46 (2016) 23-78. (in Greek)
“Displaying a proof of ownership in Roman Pamphylia” ZPE 191 (2014) 185-92.
«Donations, endowments and “foundations” in Greco-Roman antiquity. Problems of terminology» EHHD 44 (2012-13) 59-85. (in Greek) (= )
«Dikaiikes parenergeies tes oligandrias …” ΕHHD 43 (2011) 43-61. (= )
“Craftsmen associations in Roman Lydia. A tale of two cities?” Ancient Society 41 (2011) 257-90. (=
«Dispute settlement between poleis-members of the Achaean league. A new source” Dike 12-13 (2009-2010) [2011] 181-201.
«The trial of Phokion, Athens 318 BC” ΕHHD 41 (2008) 21-39. (in Greek) (= )
«Fundamental rights in Athenaion Politeia?» ΕHHD 40 (2007) 9-28. (in Greek) (= )
«Anthroponymia kai dikaio» ΕHHD 39 (2006) 31-53. (= )
“Collegia in the province of Egypt in the first century A.D.” Ancient Society 35 (2005) 197-216. (=
“Workshops and master craftsmen in 1823 Tripolitsa” Peloponnesiaka 26 (2001-2002) [2003] 145-51.
“Nikolaos E. Gerakaris (1782-1842) «…learned in law, although lacking in legal education” Deltio KEINE 3 (2003) 47-63.
“Ancient Greek Laws in the World Wide Web” Imeros 3 (2003) 181-8. (available on the Internet in
“Roman law and collegia in Asia Minor” RIDA 49 (2002) 27-44. (=
„He idea tes apokatastaseos ton sunafion. Enas diorganismos sunaphion tou 1831” EHHD 36 (2002) 204-81. (= )
“Bibliographia Istorias Ellenikou Dikaiou, 1990-2000” EHHD 35 (2001) 377-459. (= )
“H romaike nomothesia peri somateion kai he epharmoge tes sten Mikra Asia” EHHD 35 (2001) 317-32. (= )
“Marital disputes in Greco-Roman Egypt” JJP 25 (1995) 11-28. (= )
"Associations and patronage in ancient Athens" Ancient Society 25 (1994) 5-17. (= )
“Archeranistes and its meaning in inscriptions” ZPE 104 (1994) 107-10. (=
"The date of IG II2 1273" ZPE 104 (1994) 103-6. (=
"Pollution in Athenian Homicide Law" RIDA 40 (1993) 109-37. (= )
In Encyclopedias
“Adoption” and “Law” in Speake, J. (ed) (2000) Encyclopedia of Greece and the Hellenic tradition, vol. 1, 14-15 and vol. 2, 931-5 respectively.
Steinhauer, J. Religious associations in the post-classical polis, Stuttgart 2014 in Tyche 31 (2016) 309-16.
Lyons, D. & K. Raaflaub (eds) Raymond Westbrook. Ex oriente Lex. Near Eastern influences on ancient Greek & Roman law, Baltimore 2015 in CR (2016) (forthcoming)
Camassa, G. Scrittura e mutamento delle leggi nel mondo antico, Roma 2011 in JHS 136 (2016) 225-6.
Δημοπούλου, Αθηνά Λεσβίων πολιτείαι: Πολίτευμα και δίκαιο των πόλεων της Λέσβου (αρχαϊκοί, κλασικοί, ελληνιστικοί και ρωμαϊκοί χρόνοι), Αθήνα 2015 in Revue Historique du Droit Franηais et Etranger 93 (2015) 471-3.
Teegarden, D. Death to the tyrants! Ancient Greek democracy and the struggle against tyranny, Princeton 2013 in Mnemosyne 68 (2015) 876-81.
Chiusi, T. J. & H.-D. Spengler (eds) Dieter Nφrr, Schriften 2001-2010, Madrid 2012 in Klio 96 (2014) 809-13.
Gagarin, M. Writing Greek law, Cambridge 2008 in JHS 130 (2010) 216-8.
Cohen, D. & M. Gagarin (eds) The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek law, Cambridge 2005 in Prima Ordia 6 (2007) 213-21.
Sineux, P. (ed) Le lιgislateur et la loi dans l’Antiquitι. Hommage ΰ Franηoise Ruzι (Actes du colloque de Caen, 15-17 mai 2003), Caen 2005 in REA (2006) 790-2.
“Panayotis D. Dimakis. In memoriam” Dike 8 (2005) 163-70.
Roebuck, D. Ancient Greek Arbitration, Oxford 2000 in Mnemosyne 56 (6) (2003) 760-5.
Carawan, E. (1997) Rhetoric and the law of Draco, Oxford in JHS 120 (2000) 179-80.
Foxhall L. & A.D.E. Lewis (1996) Greek Law in its Political Setting. Justification not Justice, Oxford in CR 47 (1997) 382-4.
Electronic publications
“A day in the Athenian lawcourts” Webpages funded by the Foundation of the Greek World,
Nomoi. Bibliography of the history of ancient Greek laws of the archaic and classical period, in cooperation with Prof. D. Mirhady of Simon Fraser University of Canada and Prof. M. J. Sundahl of Cleveland State University
Post-byzantine law on the Internet. The only available webpages devoted to law in Ottoman and Venetian occupied Greece,
Responsibility for the academic content of the webpage of the Greek Society of Legal History in
2017: Member or substitute member in five electoral boards for filling professorial posts in Ancient Greek History, Roman History and Legal History in Greek Universities.
November 2016: Member of the jury for the Ph.D thesis of Mr. D. Philias, Boethoi sten askese exousias se poleis kai basileia tes hellenikes archaiotetas, Athena.
May 2016: Member of the jury for the candidacy of Dr. Myrto Malouta for the post of Assistant Professor in Papyrology at the Ionio Panepistemio (Corfu).
March 2016: External Assessor of the candidacy of Dr. Nikolaos Yannakopoulos for the tenure at the post of Assistant Professor in Ancient History, at the Aristotelian University of Thessalonike.
January 2016: External Assessor of the candidacy of Dr. Ioanna Kralli for the post of Assistant Professor at the Ionio Panepistemio (Corfu).
June 2015: Acting as external assessor for K.E.A.Σ. (Research Centre for Humanities), Athens.
March 2015: Referee for the journal Τεκμήρια (Ε.Ι.Ε).
28 November 2014: Member of the jury for a doctoral dissertation of Maude Lajeunesse at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne.
June 2014: Referee for the journal Τεκμήρια (Ε.Ι.Ε) and Athenaeum (University of Pavia).
June 2013: Acting as external assessor for FWO (Flanders Research Council).
February 2013 – : Elected Director of Research in the Research Centre for the History of Greek Law, Academy of Athens.
July 2012: Member of the committee of external examiners for a PhD thesis (Ath. Delios) in the Democritus University of Thrace.
January 2012: Acting as external assessor for FWO (Flanders Research Council).
2009 – present: Associate member of the Copenhagen Associations Project.
April 2008 – February 2013: Senior Researcher in the Research Centre for the History of Greek Law, Academy of Athens.
26.10.2004-April 2008: Associate Researcher in the Research Centre for the History of Greek Law, Academy of Athens.
22.05.2000-25.10.2004: Researcher in the Research Centre for the History of Greek Law, Academy of Athens.
10.1994-04.1999: Assistant Editor, Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Oxford. The volume was published in 2005 as LGPN IV.
8.1993-9.1994: Working at the Glasgow University Library.
20.9.1993-18.10.1993: Working as receptionist for Overseas Students in the Accommodation Office, University of Glasgow
21.9.1992-16.10.1992: Working as receptionist for Overseas Students in the Accommodation Office, University of Glasgow.
16.9.1991-19.10.1991: Working as receptionist for Overseas Students in the Accommodation Office, University of Glasgow.
10/1990-2000: Registered as interpreter-translator (Greek to English and vice versa) in the Language Centre of the University of Glasgow.
8/1989-9/1990: Working as self-employed lawyer (dikegoros) in Thessaloniki.
8/1989: Qualified after exams as lawyer in the Bars' Association of Thessaloniki.
5/1987-3/1989: Training as a lawyer.
8/1987-5/1988: Teaching "Introduction to Sociology" in a private school in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Conferences, Colloquia, Congresses, Workshops, Symposia
19 March 2017: Participation in the conference Religious interactions in the Hellenistic world (The Ioannou Centre of Classical and Byzantine Studies, Oxford - 18-19 March 2017). Paper: “Hellenistic Athenian private cult associations. A privileged space of religious interactions?”
16 December 2016: Series of open to the public lessons entitled “Historical Trials”, Faculty of Law, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki. Title: “The “trial” of Phocion, Athens, 318 BC”.
15-16 October 2016: Participation in the 19th annual meeting of Greek legal historians, Komotini. Paper: «To dikaio ste romaike Makedonia. Mia episkopese».
3 October 2016: Participation in the discussion panel organized by the Greek Society of Legal History under the title: “Istoria dikaiou: to simera kai to aurio”.
22-24 June 2016: Conference “Law in the Roman provinces” at the University of Mόnster. Paper: “An outline of law in Roman Macedonia”.
9-10 June 2016: Conference “Ιουλίαν Βελισσαροπούλου-Καράκωστα ἐπαινέσαι. Laws of Greek and Roman antiquity” Athens. Paper: “Naukleroi in Roman Miletus”
17-18 March 2016: Colloque «Statuts personnels et main-d’oeuvre en Mιditerranιe hellιnistique» at the Universitι Blaise Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand). Paper: «Were there craftsmen associations in the Hellenistic world?”
17 December 2015: Conference Morphes bias ston archaio kosmo (Forms of violence in the ancient world), Panteion University of Athens. Chairing a session and presenting a paper: “Bia kai idiotika somateia sten ellenoromaike archaioteta” (Violence and associations in Greco-Roman antiquity).
30 November 2015: Symposium on the 65th birthday of Vincent Gabrielsen, University of Copenhagen. Paper: “Hetaireiai: Le degrι zιro des associations?”
13-14 November 2015: Participation in the 18th annual meeting of Greek legal historians (Komotini, 13-14 November 2015). Paper: «Amoibes kai apotreptike leitourgia tou nomou sten archaia Ellada».
1-4 September 2015: Participation in Symposion of ancient Greek and Hellenistic law 2015 (Coimbra, Portugal); response to Lene Rubinstein, “Reward and deterrence in ancient Greek enactments”
24 June 2015: Chairing a session in the conference Aristotle’s Athenaion Politeia, University of Athens.
12 June 2015: Invited speaker at the journee in honour of G. Anastasiades, Prof. of modern Greek political history at the Aristotelean University of Thessaloniki.
21-22 February 2015: Chairing a session in the Conference in honour of M. B. Hatzopoulos (Athens, EIE).
1-2 November 2014: “Naukleroi sten romaike Mileto». Paper delivered in the 17th annual meeting of Greek legal historians.
September 2014: Presiding in the 4th meeting of young scholars of ancient Greek law, Athens.
22-23 May 2014: Participation in the international conference of the Copenhagen Associations Project, Danish Institute at Athens, A world of well-ordered societies? The rules and regulations of ancient associations. Paper: “Greek thorubos, Roman eustatheia. The normative world of Athenian cult associations”.
15-16 March 2014: Participation in the conference organized by the Greek Ministry of Justice, Secretariat of Transparency and Human Rights, in Herakleio, Crete entitled My right 2500 years. Human rights in Europe “Fundamental rights in ancient Athens?”
19-20 October 2013: “Polese kai dosis anti kataboles ste Romaike Pamphylia” Paper delivered in the 16th annual meeting of Greek legal historians, Komotini.
6-8 May 2013: "Isis cult associations in eastern Mediterranean” paper delivered at the international conference The agents of Isiac cults. Identities, functions and modes of representation, organized by the Universities of Erfurt and Liθge in Erfurt.
16 -18 April 2013: «… τοὺς νόμους διαστρέφειν…» What is (ab)use of law in 4th-century Athens?”, paper delivered in the international conference Use and abuse of law in the Athenian courts, organized by the University College, London.
19-20 October 2012: “Αποδοχή θεσμών του ρωμαϊκού δικαίου στις ανατολικές επαρχίες;” Paper delivered in the 15th annual meeting of Greek legal historians, Komotini.
5-6 November 2011: Participation in the 14th meeting of Greek legal historians, Komotini: “Endowments and “foundations” in Graeco-Roman antiquity”.
21-24 July 2011: Participation in the ESF exploratory workshop “Beyond marginality: craftsmen, traders and the socioeconomic history of Roman urban communities (Wolfson College, Oxford, 21-24 July 2011). Paper: Hierapolis, Saittai, Thyateira and their craftsmen associations. A comparative analysis”.
4-6 November 2010: Participation in the 13th meeting of legal historians, Komotini: “Dikaiikes parenergeies tes oligandrias”.
9-11 September 2010: Participation in the conference “Private associations and the public sphere in the ancient world”, Royal Danish Academy, Copenhagen.
3-4 September 2010: Participation in the 2nd Symposion of young legal historians of ancient Greek law, Athens.
13-16 April 2010: Participation in 8th international congress of social sciences and history in Ghent, Belgium. Paper: “Craftsmen associations in Roman Lydia – a tale of two cities”
27 January 2010: Participation in the 10th congress of Greek Onomastics Society, “Anthroponymia kai dikaio sten archaia Ellada”
22-24 October 2009: Participation in the 12th meeting of legal historians at the Law School of Democritus University in Komotini, Thrace. Paper: “«Πρόκλησις», «ζαμία», «κρίμα». Μια νέα επιγραφή από τη Μεσσήνη”
17-18 October 2009: Participation in the colloquium on the occasion of retirement of I. Yatromanolaki, Rethymnon. “Σκέψεις για το δημόσιο και ιδιωτικό στη νομοθεσία του Δημήτριου του Φαληρέα”
29-30 May 2009: Participation in the preliminary meeting of the Association Copenhagen Project, in Copenhagen.
2-4 April 2009: Presiding in the session “Law and power structures in the ancient world” during the XVth European Forum of Young Legal Historians “Inter-, Trans-, Supra-? Legal relations and Power structures in History” Florence, 1-4 April 2009.
23rd-25th October 2008: Participation in the 11th meeting of legal historians at the Law School of Democritus University in Komotini, Thrace. Paper: “Transferts culturels kai he historia tou hellenikou dikaiou”
12th-13th September 2008: Participation in the Ier Rencontre internationale des jeunes historiens du droit grec (Athθnes, 12-13 septembre 2008). Paper: “Managing one’s own memory: The foundation of Symmasis”
14th-17th May 2008: Participation in the international conference Transferts culturels et droits dans le monde grec et hellιnistique (Reims, les 14, 15, 16 et 17 mai 2008). Paper: “Cultural transfer in Hellenistic Lycia. The case of Symmasis’ foundation”.
19th-20th October 2007: Participation in the 10th meeting of legal historians at the Law School of Democritus University in Komotini, Thrace. Title: “He dike tou Phokiona, 318 p.Ch.”.
4th -5th May 2007: Participation in the Symposium of ancient Greek law held in Athens on the occasion of the 170th anniversary of the University of Athens. Paper entitled: “Nomos tou Solona sti romaike Epheso?”.
26th – 30th September 2006: Participation in the 60th session of SIHDA (Komotini – Greece). Title of paper: “Attic security horoi revisited”
30th – 31st March 2006: Participation in the 4th workshop of the series The Greek city in the post-classical age network “Cults, creeds and contests in the post-classical Greek city” Institute of Classical Studies, London.
4th-5th November 2005: Participation in the 8th annual meeting of Greek legal historians in the Faculty of Law, Democritus University of Thrace in Komotini. Paper: “Ηoi en tei oligarchia politeuomenoi. He athenaike politeia ton eton 322-319”
7th – 8th March 2005: Participation in the Colloque internationale «Individus, groupes et politique ΰ Athθnes: recherches et perspectives», Universitι Franηois Rabelais Tours, France. Paper: «Individus et groupes dans l’inscription de Rhamnonte, Petrakos no 59».
4th –7th November 2004: Participation in the 29th GIREA Conference «Fear of slaves – fear of enslavement in ancient Mediterranean. Discourse, representations, practices» in Rhethymnon, Crete. Paper: “The fear of the slave in ancient Greek legal texts”.
22nd -24th October 2004: Participation in the 6th annual meeting of Greek legal historians in the Faculty of Law, Democritus University of Thrace in Komotini. Paper:
17th – 19th June 2004: Participation in the “The Greek city after the classical age. The second workshop: “Communities within the city’” (Royal Holloway, University of London, 17th – 19th June 2004); Paper on “Status, identity and assimilation in private religious associations of Hellenistic Athens”.
24-25 October 2003: Participation in the 6th meeting of Greek historians of law in the Faculty of Law, Democritus University of Thrace in Komotini. Paper: «siderokephala, etoi athanata. Istorike kai nomike sunecheia»
24-26 May 2002: Participation in the 23rd Congress of Historical Society, Thessaloniki. Paper: “… nomomathestatos, kaiper ageustos tes nomikes epistemes. Nik. E. Gerakaris (1782-1842)“.
19-20 October 2001: Participation in the 5th meeting of Greek historians of law, in the Faculty of Law, Democritus University of Thrace in Komotini. Paper: “Enas diorganismos sunafion tou 1831”
30 June – 2 July 2001: Paper in the conference “Athenian Law and life. Conference in honour of Prof. D.M MacDowell” University of Glasgow, title “Oral law in archaic Greece”
20-21 October 2000: Participation in the 4th meeting of Greek historians of law in the Faculty of Law, Democritus University of Thrace in Komotini, Paper: “He epharmoge tes romaikes nomothesias kai ta somateia ste M. Asia”
May 1992: Paper delivered in the 13th meeting of the Greek Historical Society (Thessaloniki) entitled "Pollution and Homicide in the Athenian Penal Law" (in modern Greek).
May 1991: Paper delivered in the 12th meeting of the Greek Historical Society (Thessaloniki) entitled "A first approach to the institution of endowing male children in Cyclades (16th-19th centuries)" (in modern Greek).
25 November 2016: Seminar to the postgraduate students of ancient history at the University of Athens (dir. Sophia Aneziri) “Latreutika somateia sten Hellenistike Athena”.
10 June 2016: Seminaire de formation doctorale, EFA, «Cult associations in Hellenistic Athens» (Les associations religieuses dans l’Athθnes hellιnistique)
4 May 2015: Seminar at the University of Athens, Dept. of Philology, “Use and abuse in classical Athenian oratory”.
16 December 2014: “Chreseis kai katachrese tou nomou stous dikanikous logous tes klasikes Athenas”. Presentation at the postgraduate seminar at the Aristotelean University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Law, Dept. of Legal History, Philosophy and Sociology.
8 December 2014: “Naukleroi sten romaike Mileto». Presentation at the postgraduate Seminar at the University of Athens, Dept. of Legal History.
23 June 2104: Seminar at the University of Athens, Dept. of Philology, “Use and abuse in classical Athenian oratory”.
7 April 2014: Postgraduate Seminar at the University of Athens, Dept. of Legal History: “Eustatheia kai eukosmia. The normative framework of Athenian cult associations”
2 April 2013: «Η νομική αντιμετώπιση της ανθρωποκτονίας στην κλασική Αθήνα», University of Crete, Dept. of Philology (Rethymno).
1 April 2013: «(Κατά)χρηση του νόμου στην κλασική Αθήνα», University of Crete, Dept. of Philology, Post-graduate Seminar (Rethymno).
25 February 2013: Presentation of the publication Περίγραμμα ιστορίας του μεταβυζαντινού δικαίου, in Panteion Panepistemeion, Athens. (prof. S. Perentidis)
18 February 2013: Seminar at the University of Athens, Dept. of Legal History: «Χρήση και κατάχρηση του νόμου στους δικανικούς λόγους της κλασικής Αθήνας»
23 November 2011: Seminar at the Dept. of History, University of Athens; title: Onomastics and law. “Personal names in – themis and –dike/-os”
10 January 2011: Seminar at the University of Athens, Dept. of Legal History: “Revisiting the Greek of Dig. 47.22.4”
17 May 2010: Seminar at the Ionian University, Corfu: “Fundamental rights in Athenaion Politeia?”
1 February 2010: Seminar in the Dept. of Legal History, University of Athens, “New evidence for dispute resolution in the Achaean League”
9 June 2009: Seminar in the Netherlands Archaeological Institute at Athens, «Legal institutions on stone»
21st January 2008: Paper in the Legal History Seminar, Dept. of Legal History, Philosophy and Sociology, Faculty of Law, University of Athens. Title: “Hetaireia he hidryma se mia nea epigraphi apo tin hellinistiki Lykia”
26th March and 8th April 2007: Paper in the Legal History Seminar Dept. of Legal History, Philosophy and Sociology, Faculty of Law, University of Athens. Title: “He diatheke tes Epiktetas”.
12th December 2005: Participation in the seminar of the Dept. of Legal History, Faculty of Law, University of Athens. Title: “Computing and (Greek) legal history”.
23rd November 2005: Participation in the postgraduate seminar “Legal Civilisation”, Panteion University. Title: “Computing and (Greek) legal history”.
31st January 2005: Paper in the Seminar of the Dept. of Legal History, Faculty of Law, University of Athens. Title: “On associations...”
20 May 2003: Paper in the Seminar in the University of Crete, Dept. of History and Archaeology. Title: “Law in a society without writing. Assumptions-perspectives”.
16 December 2002: Paper in the Seminar of the Dept. of Legal History, Faculty of Law University of Athens. Title: „Sylloges ethimikon kanonon dikaiou stis Kuklades“
March 2001: Seminar in the University of Athens, Faculty of Law. Title: “Law in a society without writing. Assumptions-perspectives”.
December 1999: Participation in the Seminar of Ancient History in the University of Thessaloniki. Title: “Thiasotai associations in Hellenistic Athens”
October 1997: Participation in the Seminar of the University of Liverpool with a paper on “Integration and marginality in ancient Athens. The case of the thiasotai associations”
April 1997: Presenting an introductory paper on Athenian law to postgraduate students of the University of Bristol.
February 1994: Participation in the Cambridge Ancient History Seminar with a paper on "Religious associations in ancient Athens: legal and social dimensions".
March 1993: Participation in a seminar of postgraduate students of British Universities, organized by the Dept. of Classics of the University of Durham, presenting a paper entitled "The conceptual horizon of Athenian associates".
Participation in seminars organized on a regular basis in the Department of Classics, in Glasgow:
a) May 1991 "Orgeones in archaic Athens".
b) Oct 1991 "[Lys] 8: A problem for the jurists...".
c) Oct 1992 "The conceptual horizon of the Athenian associates".
d) Nov 1993 "Associations and patronage in ancient Athens".
Participation in informal meetings with post-graduate students from three Scottish Universities (Glasgow, Edinburgh and St. Andrews). Edition of the "Scottish Classics Postgraduate Newsletter".
2010 – Present: Member of the international scientific committee of the journal Legal Roots. The International Journal of Roman Law, Legal History and Comparative Law ( )
2007-2013 Member of the Executive Committee of the Society of Greek Legal Historians.
2004-Present Member of the Society of Greek Legal Historians.
1993-1994: Member of the Committee of the Scottish-Hellenic Society of Glasgow.
1991-1992: Secretary of the Glasgow University Hellenic Society.
1991-Present Member of the Institut of Classical Studies, London.
1991-Present Member of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, London.
1990-Present Member of the Greek Historical Society, Thessaloniki.
1987-2003: Member of the Bars' Association of Thessaloniki.