
Athanasios Barlagiannis

Biographical note

Athanasios Barlagiannis was born in Athens in 1981. In 2003, he graduated from the Department of History and Archaeology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and continued his postgraduate studies at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris. In 2017, he received the European Doctorate in History and Cultures, specializing in Modern Greek History, on the topic Hygiène publique et construction de l’état grec: la police sanitaire et l’ordre publique de la santé.

In 2018-2020, he collaborated in the research project 200 years since the Revolution of 1821 at the Hellenic Open University. In 2019, he gained the right to be elected as a lecturer (maître de conférence) in History of the Modern World and in Foreign Languages and Literatures in the French higher education. In 2020-2021, he worked as a member of a research team (postdoctoral researcher) at the Department of History and Archaeology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Operational Programme «Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning») on the topic From the 18th-century medical manuscripts (iatrosophia) to the first Greek Pharmacopoeia (1837). Aspects of the drug policy in king Otto’s Greece. Since 2016, he collaborates with the French research centre TELEMMe (Marseille) on the medical and scientific exchanges in the Eastern Mediterranean during the 1820s-1830s and is a member of the Network for the History of Health (Greece) and the treasurer of the Greek Commission of the Division of History of Science and Technology (International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology).

From 2021-2022, he taught as an academic fellow at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens the courses on the history of medicine, on modern and contemporary history and on the history of universities. He was an associate of the MA in Modern and Contemporary History and Art History, Modern and Contemporary Greek History, State formation and society in revolutionary Greece at the Department of History and Archaeology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. During the period 2020-2023, he worked as a college professor in the national education. In 2022, he was elected as a Researcher (tenure track) at the Modern Greek History Research Centre of the Academy of Athens with the subject matter History of the Institutions of the Greek State, 19th – 20th century.

His research interests focus on the history of the state, on the history of public health, epidemics and medicine and on the history of the Greek police.

Books (in Greek)

Medical History of the Revolution of 1821. The beginnings of the construction of the Greek public health system (1790-1831), HOUP Publications, Athens 2022.

The sanitary construction of the Greek state (1833-1845), Estia, Athens 2018.

Articles (in English, French, and German)

«From the Greek Medical Manuscripts of the Ottoman Empire to the Pharmacopoeia I of the Greek State: Pharmacy and Political Change in southeastern Europe», The Historical Review/La Revue Historique 19/1 (2023): 187-228 (with Penelope Seriatou and Vaso Seirinidou).

«Family Relations and Forensic Medicine in 19th century Greece: the Priest, the Physician and the Public Authorities», Annales de démographie historique 144/2 (2022): 167-191.

 «From Warriors to Soldiers: Regularising Military Logistics and the Emergence of Military Medicine. The case of the Armatoles (c. 1800-1831)», Historein 20/1 (2022):

«From Frontier to Border. The 1845 Health Code and the Structuring of Greece’s Quarantine System», The Historical Review/La Revue Historique 17 (2021): 14-52.

«À la recherche de l’historiographie grecque des épidémies au xixe siècle», Revue d’histoire du XIXe siècle 61 (2020): 272-273.

«Die Medizinische Polizei im Griechenland König Ottos. Deutsche Einflüsse auf das griechische öffentliche Gesundheitswesen»:

«Les stratégies préventives sanitaires et la construction territoriale de l’État grec. Quarantaines, souveraineté et relations interétatiques aux confins du continent européen (1833-1845)», Histoire, médecine et santé 15 (2019): 49-66.

Information and contact

Modern Greek History Research Centre


14 Anagnostopoulou, Athens 106 73

Tel: +30 2103664676