Tatsi Anna

Anna Tatsi
Research Associate

Biographical note


Editor-Copy Editor at the Research Centre for Greek Philosophy (RCGP) at the Academy of Athens



Date of Birth: 24/08/1973

Place of Birth: Thessaloniki





1997 Degree on Philology, Faculty of Philology, School of Philosophy, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (Department of Classics)


2000 Master of Arts in Classics, Faculty of Classics, King’s College, University of London

  • “Greek Lyric Poetry” (Prof. Herwig Maehler, UCL)
  • “Greek Tragedy” (Dr Barbara E. Goff, Dr R. E. C. Shorrock, KCL)
  • “Plato’s Dialogues” (Prof. R. W. Sharples, Dr Anne Sheppard)

MA Dissertation: “Language and Limits in Three Political Plays of Euripides: The Heraclidae, the Suppliants and the Phoenissae” [supervisor: Dr Barbara E. Goff]


2010 PhD in Classics (Department of Classics), Faculty of Philology, School of Philosophy, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

PhD Thesis: “Pindar’s Nemeans. Prooimia – A Structural Study” [supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Mary I. Yossi]





English, French, Italian, German.





  • 2001 (September) – 2004 (January) “Sophia Schliemann” School of Nursing Assistants, Sotiria Hospital Athens

Teacher of Modern Greek (total of hours taught: 184)

  • 2003-2005 Hellenic Naval Academy

Teacher of Modern Greek as a Foreign Language at the Preparatory Instruction Course for Foreigners (total of hours taught: 700)

  • 2005 Ministry of Culture – European Cultural Centre of Delphi

Teacher of Modern Greek as a Foreign Language, Seminars on Greek Literature and Culture, Hellenic Humanistic Society (24/7 – 7/8/2005)

  • 2007-2008 Gymnasion Vamou Chanion

State School Teacher (exam. ASEP 2007, PE02)

  • 2008-2009 Gymnasion & HS Vilion, West Attica
  • 2009-2013 RCGP Academy of Athens (on secondment)
  • 2013-2014 Gymnasion & HS Vilion, West Attica
  • 2014-2015 Lykeion Neas Peramou, West Attica
  • 2015-2018 RCGP Academy of Athens (on secondment)
  • Sep 2018-…. Editor-Copy Editor at the Research Centre for Greek Philosophy (RCGP), Academy of Athens







1. Gorgias, Encomium of Helen, introduction – translation – commentary: A. Tatsi – D. G. Spatharas, Athens, Ekdoseis tou Eikostou Protou, 1998, 130 p. (ISBN: 960-7058-70-4): pp. 13-20, 27-29, 58-64, 67-73, 75-79, 86-88, 91-92, 100-106, 112-119.

2. Pindar’s Nemeans. Prooimia – A Structural Study, PhD Thesis, Department of Classics, Faculty of Philology, School of Philosophy, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2010, 313 p. [http://hdl.handle.net/10442/hedi/35459]

3. Pindar’s Nemeans, introduction – Modern Greek translation – commentary, Athens (under preparation).





1. “On the Meaning of χρόνος in Pindar’s Nemean 1.46”, Mnemosyne, 61.1, 2008, pp. 120-129.

2. “Plato’s Rhetorical Technique in Republic I”, in: Plato, Poet and Philosopher. In Memory of Ioannis N. Theodoracopoulos (Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Philosophy, RCGP, Academy of Athens, Magoula-Sparta, 26-29 May 2011), E. Moutsopoulos – M. Protopapas-Marneli (eds), Athens, Academy of Athens, 2013: pp. 165-180 (ISBN: 978-960-404-221-0).

[Review: Gabrièle Wersinger Taylor, “Platon, poète et philosophe”, Φιλοσοφία, 44, 2014, σσ. 374-377].

3. Ἐξαίσιοι γέλωτες. Το Γέλιο στην Αρχαία Ελληνική Γραμματεία (collective volume), M. I. Yossi – A. D. Melista (eds), Athens, Smili, 2017, 1150 p.: pp. 252-258, 266-270, 388-412, 706-713, 847-853, 985-1005 (ISBN: 978-960-7793-93-5).

4. “Silence and Concealment in Pindar”, in: Faces of Silence in Ancient Greek Literature, E. Papadodima, Trends in Classics (suppl. vol. 100), Berlin, De Gruyter, 2020: pp. 27-50 (ISBN: 978-311-0690-01-9).

[Review: Andromache Karanika, “Meaningful Silence in Greek Literature”, The Classical Review, 71.2, 2021, σσ. 285-288].

5. “Characterization and Argument in Plato’s Laches”, Φιλοσοφία, 50, 2020, pp. 103-126.

6. “Socrates at Delion. The controversial tradition on Socratic andreia”, in: Collected Essays in Honour of Mary Yossi, Athens (to be published).





1. “ Αίλιος Αριστείδης, Ἱεροὶ Λόγοι. Σώμα και Γλώσσα στα όνειρα ενός ρήτορα,

εισαγωγή – μετάφραση – σχόλια Ελισάβετ Κούκη, Αθήνα, Σμίλη, 2012, 373 σ.», Φιλοσοφία, 43, 2013, pp. 471-476.

2. “Στ. Δημητρίου, Η πολιτικὴ στὸν Πολιτικό τοῦ Πλάτωνα. Μηδέποτε μηδὲν ἡσυχίαν ἄγειν τῶν ἀνθρωπίνων, Αθήνα, ΜΙΕΤ, 2016, 379 σ.”, Φιλοσοφία, 48, 2018, pp. 327-332.

3. “Καρλ Πόππερ: Αέναη Αναζήτηση. Αυτοβιογραφία, εισ.-μτφρ. Κ. Αλατζόγλου-Θέμελη, επιμ. Κ. Αλατζόγλου-Θέμελη, Εύη Δελλή, Αθήνα, Ακαδημία Αθηνών, 2018”, Ήριννα, vol. 6, Spring 2019, pp. 197-202.

4. “Armand D’Angour, Socrates in Love. The Making of a Philosopher, London,

Bloomsbury, 2019, xiv + 247 p.”, Φιλοσοφία, 50, 2020, pp. 227-229.





1. Θέλξις. Σαπφώ – Δεκαπέντε μελετήματα, M. I. Yossi – D. Kioussi – A. Tatsi (eds), Athens, Smili, 2004 (ISBN: 960-7793-51-Χ).

2. Φιλοσοφία (Yearbook of the Research Centre for Greek Philosophy):

Editor of the volumes: 41 (2011)· 42 (2012)· 43 (2013)· 44 (2014)· 46 (2016)·

46 ΙΙ (2016)· 51, ΙΙ (2021)· (editor of articles in Italian only) 45 (2015)· co-editor: 51 (2021)· general editor of volumes 48 (2018), 48 ΙΙ (2018), 49 (2019), 49 ΙΙ (2019), 50 (2020)· copy-editor: 52 (2022).

3. Livio Rossetti, Εισαγωγή στην Αρχαία Φιλοσοφία, trans.-ed. Anna Tatsi, Athens, Academy of Athens, 2015· (2nd augmented edition) 2017 (ISBN: 978-960-404-293-7).

4. Aldo Brancacci, ΟΙΚΕΙΟΣ ΛΟΓΟΣ. Η φιλοσοφία της γλώσσας του Αντισθένους, trans. Ir. Svitzou, ed. D. Toulatou – A. Tatsi, Athens, Academy of Athens, 2016 (ISBN: 978-960-404-294-4).

5. Αριστοτέλης και Ιατρική, Proceedings 17 May 2017, Athens, Academy of Athens – BRFAA & RCGP, 2020 (ISBN: 978-960-404-368-2).





Plays / Books


  • Σοφοκλής, Αἴας, introduction-translation: Ἐν κύκλῳ (collective), Athens, Ekdoseis tou Eikostou Protou, 1998, 179 p. (ISBN: 960-7058-74-7).

[The translation was used for the theatrical performance of the play directed by Christos Sougaris, which toured many theatres in the season of 2017-2018. The Director received the Karolos Koun 2018 Theatrical Award].

  • Ανθολογία Ελληνιστικής Ποίησης, edited by Neil Hopkinson, gr. trans. Anna Tatsi, series editor for the Greek translation: Christos Tsangalis, Athens, Metaichmio, 2006 (ISBN: 978-960-375-919-5).
  • Τι δεν γνωρίζουμε. Φιλοσοφικές συναντήσεις της Unesco, trans. Mary I. Yossi – Anna Tatsi, Athens, Smili, 2006 (ISBN: 960-7793-52-8).





• Silvana Cagnacci, «Οι 28 λόγοι του έργου του Ηροδότου» and

• Paul Cartledge, «Ο Ηρόδοτος και οι ‘άλλοι’: σκέψεις για την αυτοκρατορία», in: Iστορίη. Ηρόδοτος – Δεκατέσσερα μελετήματα, A. Melista – G. Sotiropoulou (eds), Athens, Smili, 2004: pp. 97-150 and 275-296.

• Michael Cahn, «Η ιδεολογία της ρητορικής» and

• Cinzia Bearzot, «Ο Ισοκράτης και το ζήτημα της δημοκρατίας», in: Πειθώ. Ρητορική – Δεκατρία μελετήματα, D. G. Spatharas – L. Tzallila (eds), Athens, Smili, 2003: pp. 63-85 and 307-341.

• Riccardo Palmisciano, «Νεκρικός θρήνος, λατρεία των Μουσών και εσχατολογικές προσδοκίες στη Σαπφώ (με μία επαλήθευση στον Αρχίλοχο)», trans. Μ. Ι. Γιόση – Ά. Τάτση, in: Θέλξις. Σαπφώ – Δεκαπέντε μελετήματα, M. I. Yossi – D. Kioussi – A. Tatsi (eds), Athens, Smili, 2004, pp. 354-388.

• Carlo Natali, «Οι αιτίες της γένεσης και του τέλους μιας φιλίας κατά τον Αριστοτέλη», Φιλοσοφία, 49, 2019, pp. 135-150.

• Livio Rossetti, «Γιατί η Αθήνα είναι η Αθήνα», Φιλοσοφία, 51, 2021, pp. 69-87.

• Paul Cartledge, «Εύγλωττη σιωπή: η Προμηθεϊκή ταξική πολιτική στην Αισχύλεια τραγική τέχνη», στο: Collected Essays in Honour of Mary I. Yossi (to be published).

• Βούλα Τσούνα, «Μπορούν οι φιλόσοφοι να κυβερνήσουν την Πολιτεία; Ή: Ποιος καλείται να λύσει το πρόβλημα των Δύο Κόσμων;», in: Collected Essays in Honour of Vassilis Kalfas (to be published).



Information and contact

Research Centre for Greek Philosophy

Teacher of Greek Philology, Adjunct Member at the Research Centre for Greek Philosophy of the Academy of Athens (2009-2013, 2015-2018)


14, Anagnostopoulou St., Athens, GR-10673

Tel. +30 210 366 4626

Fax  +30 210 366 4624
